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Good day and welcome to my Lautenslager genealogy page.

Since 2001, I (Bernd) have been studying the origins of the name Lautenslager, which takes us back to the year 1523 in Hungary. This was previously selected in the 60s/70s by my grandfather and his brothers. Unfortunately, how they arrived at this information has not been preserved. It concerned a person (schlager) who announced the arrival of a monarch by means of a gong (laut). See photo of what this would have looked like.

A lot is known through the internet and many contacts have been made in recent years and the name (corruption) is known on every continent.

In addition to the name, I also register in-laws to complete the picture and/or to supplement those who have their own genealogy page/administration.

In addition to my own origins, there are also family trees of friends and/or acquaintances listed on this genealogy website.

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Verder / Weiter / Further

Mijn oma zei mij ooit eens, “in zekere zin zijn we allemaal met elkaar verbonden”. Met deze woorden in het achterhoofd ben ik deze genealogie website begonnen en het onmogelijke mogelijk te maken. Graag ontvang ik dan ook eventuele correcties en/-of aanvullingen wereldwijd.

Meine Großmutter sagte mir einmal: „In gewisser Weise sind wir alle miteinander verbunden.“ Mit diesen Worten im Hinterkopf habe ich diese Genealogie-Website gestartet und das Unmögliche möglich gemacht. Ich möchte Korrekturen und/oder Ergänzungen weltweit erhalten.

My grandmother once told me, “in a way, we are all connected.” With these words in mind I started this genealogy website and made the impossible possible. I would like to receive any corrections and/or additions worldwide.

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At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.


Boss, Elisabeth Maria Gerarda
   b. 20 Oct 1954, Vaesrade, Limburg, NLD
van den Akker, Elisabeth Johanna
   b. 15 Sep 1921, Venlo, Limburg, NLD
Lautenslager, Lambertus Wilhelmus Maria
   b. 2 Jan 1921, 's-Hertogenbosch, Noord Brabant, NLD
Meijer, Cornelia Christina Petronella
   b. 5 Aug 1932, Leiden, Zuid Holland, NLD
Abbink, Lijsken
   b. 29 Sep 1726, Zelhem, Gelderland, NLD

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